
Jung Chang e os Jogos Olímpicos

A doze meses dos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim, o Guardian publica uma entrevista a Jung Chang, autora de Mao, a História Desconhecida e de Cisnes Selvagens, onde ela fala do impacto dos seus livros, de direitos humanos na China e da sua posição face à realização dos Jogos Olímpicos.
A ler.

«Many hope that the international attention next year's Olympics will bring may change this situation. Does Chang share these hopes? "I don't think the Olympics should be boycotted. China is making progress - slowly, too slowly in some areas, stagnating in others ... But boycotting might be counter-productive [and] I don't think it will force the Chinese regime to change".
"The regime wants to impress, it doesn't want people to boycott the Olympics, and therefore they have to relax the repression and therefore human rights conditions improve. But I do hope that will last after the Olympics is over".»