
Aung – A entrega do Nobel, 21 anos atrasada [Actualizado]

Aung San Suu Kyi recebeu esta manhã, em Oslo, o Prémio Nobel da Paz, que lhe foi atribuído em 1991. 

Falou da importância que essa atribuição teve: ajudou-a a voltar à realidade e tirou Mianmar do esquecimento, devolveu-a «ao resto da humanidade», «atraiu a atenção do mundo para a luta pela democracia e pelos direitos humanos em Mianmar». 

Um dia destes, um ano destes, veremos certamente, em Oslo, o chinês Liu Xiaobo, também proibido de sair do seu país para ir à Noruega receber o Nobel da Paz, que lhe foi atribuído em 2010

Esta manhã, Aung proferiu o habitual discurso oficial, para já apenas disponível em norueguês e inglês: 

Nobel Lecture by Aung San Suu Kyi, Oslo, 16 June, 2012 

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness, Excellencies, Distinguished members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Dear Friends, 

Long years ago, sometimes it seems many lives ago, I was at Oxford listening to the radio programme Desert Island Discs with my young son Alexander. It was a well-known programme (for all I know it still continues) on which famous people from all walks of life were invited to talk about the eight discs, the one book beside the bible and the complete works of Shakespeare, and the one luxury item they would wish to have with them were they to be marooned on a desert island. At the end of the programme, which we had both enjoyed, Alexander asked me if I thought I might ever be invited to speak on Desert Island Discs. “Why not?” I responded lightly. Since he knew that in general only celebrities took part in the programme he proceeded to ask, with genuine interest, for what reason I thought I might be invited. I considered this for a moment and then answered: “Perhaps because I’d have won the Nobel Prize for literature,” and we both laughed. The prospect seemed pleasant but hardly probable. 

(I cannot now remember why I gave that answer, perhaps because I had recently read a book by a Nobel Laureate or perhaps because the Desert Island celebrity of that day had been a famous writer.)

O vídeo oficial com a cerimónia desta manhã:
